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Saturday 29 January
12:30 - 14:00 hrs.
A live video call with the staff of DAS Theatre: John Meijerink (programme coordinator) Juul Beeren (student counselor and mentor) and Maaike Boot (production coordinator).
NOTE: please install Zoom first. How to install Zoom? Click here
Student projects
Winter Presentations 2021
Between December 8th and 10th, DAS Theatre 2nd years participants present their work in progress. The Winter Presentations is a semi-public gathering in which the participants can draft and share first ideas regarding their master projects with a test audience: peers of first and second year, tutors, advisors, DAS Theatre educational team, guests, collaborators and one external guest/eye invited by DAS Theatre. The aim of this sharing moment is to step out of the internal process, take a distance and formulate the most important interests, plans, questions and concerns regarding the projects and show it to an audience that is not familiar (yet) with the work and practice.
You can see an impression of the presentations below.
Claudio Ritfeld

Ebana Garin

Ainhoa Hernández Escudero

Carolina Bianchi

Venuri Perera

Agat Sharma

Useful links
Website Academy of Theatre and Dance - DAS Theatre
Are you curious about the graduation projects of our students?
Take a look at the Graduates 2021 projects page
Contact - when you have any questions about the DAS Theatre master study programme
When you have questions about the ATD Open Day programme, please contact the helpdesk

atd-opendag create creative management master performance producing theater