There is a live chat on the bottom of this page. It will be manned during festival hours to help you with any problems or questions.
Where can I buy tickets for online performances?
To buy ticket you must first register an account. You can do so here: https://be-connectedfestival.nl/sign_up . After you have logged in you can buy tickets in the ticket shop (link). The tickets you have purchased are automatically assigned to your account. If you then log in again via your account, you can spend them freely by choosing performances in the programme.
When I click the 'Go to performance' button, I don't get to see the show. What should I do?
You must be logged in and have purchased ticket(s) using the method described above to view a performance.
I have not received a confirmation email and I am unable to log in. What should I do?
First check your spam box, if no confirmation email has arrived there either, you can click on 'didn't receive confirmation instructions' on the login page to receive a new email.
Do I have to pay for everything or is there something for free?
You have to pay for the performance pages, but the live shows are free.
Where can I find the programme?
Under programme you can search by date, study programme or tags.
It is not possible to translate the page with the NL/ENG button in the top menu bar of my screen. How do you do that?
That's right. In addition to the general button (at the top of your screen), there is a separate translation button on some pages that you must use to translate the page.
I have bought a ticket/passe-partout, but can't look yet. How is that possible?
Countdowns up to the premiere date and time appear on every performance page.
A follow-up page will then appear with a button “go to performance”. If you have not yet bought a ticket/passe-partout, you can still do so there. If you have already bought a ticket/passe-partout, you can continue and the stream is at the top of the page.
Can I also use my be-CONNECTED ticket for the Dutch National Ballet Academy - Dancers of Tomorrow on 10 July?
No, you have to buy a separate ticket for the Dutch National Ballet Academy - Dancers of Tomorrow on 10 July. More information can be found at https://be-connectedfestival.nl/p/dansersvanmorgen. You cannot use the stream ticket for July 10 for other be-CONNECTED performances.
I can't go on the date I bought tickets. Can I exchange my tickets or get my money back?
After the premiere, the page and stream will remain available until August 31.
I bought a ticket for a performance, but I wonder if I should watch it on that date at the announced time, or if I can watch it later?
You can also view this later. After the premiere, the page and stream will remain available until August 31.
Can I also watch from abroad?
When will I receive a link to watch the live stream?
The link is: https://www.be-connectedfestival.nl
Can I record the live stream?
This service is not offered. Fair Use means that the students and the ATD are the owners of the material and that the visitor is not granted permission to make a recording with their own resources and software.
My video has stopped working. What should I do?
Refresh the page in your browser.
Can I fast forward or rewind the video?
Not the livestream, but the repeat of the livestream on the following day.
I only see a waiting page?
That is possible, you will see a count-down at the top of the page. Once at 00:00:00 you will be taken to the next page.
My password is invalid. What should I do?
You can request a password reset here: https://be-connectedfestival.nl/password/new
If I refreshed my screen for this live stream, do I have to log in again?
Basically not - if you do nothing for four hours, you will be logged out automatically, and you will have to log in again.
I would like to watch the show on my television. Is that possible?
If you have a Chromecast connected to your TV, you can cast to the TV with Google Chrome from your phone or computer.
I have more/other questions. Who can I contact?
Please first consult the help page on be-connected: https://be-connectedfestival.nl/p/faq - There is also a live chat, to ask questions directly to ATD employees.