DAS Choreography
‘Time Will Tell’ is a choreographic research into storytelling.
It takes the form of a conversation unfolding between 3 figures that are meeting in their deviance to time: Nawal, a pigeon that moves backwards in time, Moj, a wave that by meeting the shore over and over again slowly carves a threshold into the now, and Zamin, soil, and ground, who just cannot understand the clock and so lives forever in cosmic time.
Their conversation is made up of fragments of memories and songs, poems and sounds, questions and dreams. The lost art of conversation becomes a ritual of listening to places of the past. A ritual of remembrance. A ritual of fictioning to imagine what remains, after all, is lost.
It was the language of the pigeon.
It was the language of the wave.
It was the language of the ground.
A language of the past –
A language of the future.
An embrace of fiction, a moment of togetherness, so that we can remind each other to never lose sight of the imaginary.
Over the last 3 years during his studies at DAS Choreography, Reza Mirabi has been researching practices of listening as choreographic processes.
How can we choreograph ‘new’ ways of listening? Through which practices can we listen to movement? And how can we eventually harmonize and co-compose with our surroundings, with each other? What are the political and aesthetic connotations of listening today? How can listening allow us to be moved by the unheard?
Reza Mirabi forms immersive installations that wish to offer a momentary escape from reality, only to be able to enter it anew. He places practices and ideas into affective proximity, such as Choreography and Poetry, Storytelling and Movement, Composition and Politics, Rehearsal and Memory, Sound and Meaning.
What dances lie in their proximities?
How can we hear them?

Connecting Cultures Dance Dreamworlds Fiction Freedom of Movement Heritage Installation Interdisciplinary International Nature Opleiding Performance Sensitivity Sound Based Spoken ENG Storytelling Text-based Theatre