Modern Theatre Dance
4th year student
Performer in Now, Not Now and Now
by Pim Veulings & Paul Boereboom
Performer in Physical Culture Lab
by Connor Schumacher

Personal Profile
I am a versatile, creative and ambitious Contemporary Dance student with a background in Urban Dance, seeking new challenges in the art field. I combine agility and fluidity with a passion for floorwork, physical theatre and instant composition. I like taking risks, researching new concepts and collaborating with diverse teams to create interdisciplinary performances.
I was born into an Italian family in Munich, Germany. As an energetic boy, I found a passion for Hip-Hop dancing, which I eagerly continued for years to come. Together with my family, I eventually moved to the USA, where I took a liking for Jazz, Ballet and Contemporary Dance. After returning to Germany, I did three years of Pre-Education in Contemporary Dance at the Iwanson International School of Contemporary Dance. I am now about to graduate from the Modern Theatre Dance department at the Amsterdam University of the Arts.
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Now, Not Now and Now
by Pim Veulings & Paul Boereboom
Now, Not Now and Now is a research into identity as a poetic theatre-work built around an installation in the NDSM-Theatre.
Somewhere in the space in between my physical body and the outside world an exchange takes place. What does this exchange mean for my identity? Who I am, where I am, where I stand, where I exist and if I exist? In what sense does the space outside of my physical body determine my path? Is the word outside even relevant? and if so, where do we then draw a line between in and out? My identity moves, is constantly changing and evolving, fluently shifting between shape, form and size. Makers Pim Veulings and Paul Boereboom research these questions with four performers in a poetic music-theatre-work.
Director: Pim Veulings | Scenographer: Paul Boereboom | Composer: Mitchell Lee-van Rooij | Performer: Charlotte Dommershausen, Korneel Defrancq, Alberto Quirico, Gaspard Schmitt | Technical producer: Anique van Laar | Production: Dries Himpe | Technical crew (video): Lennert Esser | Technical crew (light): Sander Schaart
This work is supported by Amsterdams Fonds voor de Kunst, Stichting Melanie, Over het IJ, VR Academy and the Academy of Theatre and Dance.

Physical Culture Lab
by Connor Schuhmacher
Choreography is always and at anytime - a representation, a dramaturgy, of governance.
How we govern ourselves individually, communally, socially, and how the culture of the space is formed.
We have decided to practice two lines of governance, one based on rules and one based on principles.
There is a time for rules and a time for principles and this is an experiment of what type of intentions, behaviors and metaphors we want to live by in society.
Choreography: Connor Schumacher | Perfomers: Connor Schumacher, Björn Bakker, Alberto Quirico, Liah Frank, Oriane Gidron, Jioen Ko, Lucie Delsus | Light: Roan Lo-a-Njoe | Sound: Kees Theunissen | Camera: Alessio Reedijk | Producer: Dorothea Sinnema | Assistent producer: Floor Broer

Take a look at my Dance CV !
Instagram: @albi.q
Facebook: Alberto Quirico
Vimeo: Alberto Quirico
Email: alberto.di.monaco@gmx.de
+31 6 36322636